Follow Team Opal as we design and build our own exhibition for Museum Studies Leicester.
Yesterday, we visited Hampton Court to give us inspiration for our exhibition.
Some of the exhibition techniques used were particularly interesting, such as text panels written on hanging fabric and the tablecloth in the great hall that had different facts at each place setting. We also found the use of paper costumes in the Hanover Galleries a particularly innovative way of bringing people and their relationships to life.
We were also tasked with looking at the learning potential for schools. Hampton Court has many resources targeted specifically at schools, with online resources that you can easily download. The resources link specifically to key stages 2 and 3, and the palace staff also offer curriculum-based workshops. As we explored the palace we encountered a school group in the palace kitchens, they looked like they were having a brilliant time.
The palace also provides education for college groups who may be studying historic periods such as the Tudors. They also offer special group rates.
Overall, it was a very inspiring and enjoyable trip.
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